Back treatment programme (DBC)

What is Medihelp’s back treatment programme?

Medihelp’s back treatment programme is offered at selected Document Based Care (DBC) facilities across South Africa. The programme follows a non-surgical treatment plan developed per individual by a multidisciplinary team, based on your unique clinical profile.

Who qualifies for the programme?

On all our benefit options (except MedMove!) you and your dependants qualify for one back treatment programme per beneficiary at a DBC facility. You will undergo an assessment beforehand to see if you are eligible for the programme. Keep in mind that some spinal injuries can only be treated surgically, and should the nature of your condition be such, you will not qualify for the DBC programme.

How does the programme work?

An interdisciplinary team of doctors and medical practitioners, including surgeons, physiotherapists and biokineticists, treats the eligible patient’s back and neck problems with specially developed equipment. The treatment improves the general flexibility of the spinal column and strengthens targeted back muscles, which relieves pain and lets you regain normal back and neck function.

How do I enrol on the programme?

  • Phone Medihelp on 086 0100 678 and request the contact details of your nearest DBC facility to make an appointment. The facilities are also indicated on the pamphlet you can download.
  • At the DBC facility, you will undergo an examination to determine whether you are eligible for the programme.
  • If you qualify, the treating doctor will send Medihelp the necessary documentation to obtain approval.
  • As soon as approval is given, Medihelp will notify both you and the DBC facility.

What happens after I get approval?

You will undergo an individual evaluation, after which your DBC doctor will compile a programme suitable for your unique situation. The programme extends over approximately six weeks, but the period may vary to suit your needs. You will also be required to continue doing prescribed exercises at home after you have completed your programme to maintain your progress.

Who pays for my participation in the programme?

The DBC facility charges a global fee per patient for the programme, including your evaluation and six-week individualised treatment. If your participation is approved, Medihelp will pay the cost in full from your core benefits.

Can I undergo the programme only at a DBC facility?

Yes. Participation in the programme will only be approved if you receive your treatment from DBC healthcare providers at a DBC facility. This ensures that DBC procedures are followed exactly so that you will get the best possible outcome.